Rabbi Immanuel Bernstein Shlita, from Yerusholayim spoke on Friday night before Maariv
His book catalogue is available at http://journeysintorah.com/books/. His Parsha Shiur archive, updated every week, is available at http://journeysintorah.com/chumash-directory/ and is also available as a podcast https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/journeys-in-torah-from-rav/id1037951943?mt=2
Adopt a Kollel
Beis Hamedrash Ohr Chodosh was the first Shul in the UK to join the Adopt a Kolel program and our partnership with Ateres Moshe has raised significant funds to assist the Kolel and continues to do so on a monthly basis.
As we continue to work towards our next goal of 100% Shul participation in this great Mitzva, Zaki Eckstein has kindly agreed to become an Adopt a Kolel Gabbai for Ohr Chodosh.
Bank Holiday Shiur
Bank Holiday Shiur with breakfast on Monday January 2nd after Shacharis given R’ Moshe Betzalel Grossnass.
Chanuka Magic Show
Magic Show for young children on Sunday at 3pm
Ongoing Shiurim. All new participants are welcome!
- On שבת mornings during אלול the Dayan gives a short שיעור before שחרית on תשובה ענייני
- שבת morning learning סדר after שחרית ,preceded by a ‘coffee and cake’ Kiddush
- The Dayan’s שיעור on חינוך מנחת takes place after מנחה on שבת ,from after פסח until after סוכות
- The Dayan’s גמרא Shiur on Sunday evenings in the Shul. See calendar for times
- The Dirshu Mishnah Berurah Shiur given by Rabbi Benjy Gordon on Monday-Thursday evenings
- Boys Erev Shabbos learning program – 30 minutes before Friday mincha
- A שיעור during שלישית סעודה during the winter
- winter the during מוצאי שבת on אבות ובנים
- בוקר כולל during the week before שחרית
- Monthly שבת מוצאי chabura during the winter
Chanuka Mesiba
The Chanuka Mesiba was taking place on Friday night at the Dayan’s house
Special Prizes Ovos Ubonim
Special Chanuka Prizes at Ovos Ubonim
The Annual General Meeting
Shimmie Berlin, Ari Davis, Shuki Rosenstein & Dovid Schwab will be continuing in their position as committee members.
Sruli Schleider & Yehudah Colman will be continuing in their position as Gabboim.
The motion to amend Shacharis to 9.00am on Shabbos throughout the year was downvoted 24:17.
Detailed minutes sent to the members
Shabbos Mevorchin’s programme for girls
We understand that it is sometimes difficult for mothers to come to Shul with their daughters on Shabbos, so the Shul is running a programme for girls from the age of 8 and over, to encourage them to come to Shul on Shabbos and to enable them to follow the davening with confidence. Initially we will only be running this on Shabbos Mevorchin.
Seuda Shlishis with Rabbi Hartman
Rabbi Hartman Shlit”a will be resuming his Shiur on Seuda Shlishis