Rosh Hashono 5783 Speakers
Shavuos Speakers
Shavuos night Shiurim for Boys
Pesach Speakers
Boys Pre-Purim Event
We are pleased to announce that there will be a pre-Purim event “Secrets Of Purim” and more, for secondary school boys
Ladies Pre-Purim Event
Guest Speaker Rabbi Moshe Levy
Hilchos Shabbos Shiur
Rabbi Binyomin Mozes שליט”א is giving הלכות שבת Shiur for boys over Bar-Mitzvah on Wednesday evenings from 9:00pm – 9:25pm.
Bank Holiday Shiurim
The Chanuka Mesiba took place on the 3rd night Chanukah. Guest Speaker R’ Gary Bazak שליט”א.
The Kehilah were invited to a Shabbos Chanukah Kiddush after davening in the Shul.
All children were invited to Menorah lighting on Sunday after Mincha, followed by treats & Gelt.